ME and 12 Males...

Yes, sounds like a single gal's dream come true..... but alas, they were all under 14 yrs of age and full of adolescent sweat glands (and other smelly boy vapors). My nephew, Cody (far left in blk tee), just turned 14. So naturally for his B-day he wanted to creep around in dark corners shooting at various objects and people in plastic armour. Sounds like fun! So I joined him and the rest of his posse. Not one to toot my own horn (too loudly) I think the score sheet speaks for itself..... Keep in mind these are wild, practically rabid, teenage boys that will stop at nothing to stalk, tag, dominate, intimidate, and vaporize you at every TURN! Brutal! Oh, and "Darth Vader" next time we meet no amount of dark force will be able to save you from the wrath that is "Aeon Flux!" I will have my day.....


Bake Party of 6 said...

Just wait until my b-day. My friends are smaller more loud and stinkier. I can't wait to rub it in your face! Can I also get a big candy bar like Cody? Hopefully I don't have a tweetle beetle bottle battle (Abby) stealing my chocolate. Caleb

Tami said...

I was just checking out my favorite blogs. I am glad to know that you have lots of men in your life. I'm not sure, but it looks like that one boy on your left might have a crush on you.

Hilary said...

Janette! I just saw you on Melissa's blog! So fun to see what you're up to! Are you on facebook?

Jared & Larisa said...

hahaha, now that I've found you I can totally blog-stalk you! I miss you. Why did you move to SoCal when NorCal is clearly where it's at? I forgive you. Come visit us soon :) -larisa

Melissa said...

Yeah...Janette...are you on facebook?

Bake Party of 6 said...

Okay Netty, We love you and are so glad you hung out with us back on June 6th for Cody's B-day, BUT... I know the exciting life you live and I'm ready for a blog update.
Yours truly :)

PS - So Cal was the correct choice!

Tami said...

I keep looking for a new post. Come on Netty!

Bake Party of 6 said...

I feel a new post coming soon... So exciting!