I will try and post more this year. The end.

Mom, ME and Reality T.V.

the_real_housewives_of_beverly_hills1.jpgOk, I admit it. I'm a victim. A victim to reality T.V. Try as I might I could just not seem to vanquish this vice. It did not make my resolution list. Partly because I didn't make resolutions ( I mean, I KNOW what I need to better and I don't need January to remind me) and partly because if you are a "real" housewife, a budding clothing designer, an iconic plastic comedianne, a "Survivor" or really have no talent at all (see "real" housewife) I am probably DVR'ing your antics in ritual. A few observations: these broads that call themselves "housewives" pale in comparison to my amazing mother. I can't even put them in the same category as my self-less, resourceful, patient and modest mum. Secondly, I wish I knew how to sew. Wondering what might have been had I taken Home Ec more seriously or just picked up the talent through osmosis from, again, my mother. Lastly, I'm pretty sure I could get through a couple of rounds Survivor if I were to practice a little trait my mother possesses-integrity. That and an affinity for nature and the fact that I could eat rice and bug-ridden fruit for at least a couple weeks before cracking. If you are starting to sense a theme here you have one up on any given character from the cast of The Jersey Shore. I'm making a little homage to my mom today. Incorporating reality television while honoring my mom...aw the ridiculousness of it all. It's her birthday tomorrow! I'm pretty sure she's not one of those women that's gets all squeamish about her age, but it's not polite to announce that on a blog. Let's just say she is an amazingly vibrant and lovely lady that still makes it hard for me to remember that she gets a discount at the movie theatres! I guess that's what happens when you spend your time fixing, cleaning, cooking, encouraging, coaxing, learning, loving and being a wonderful example!